Title: COCONUT (Cocoline Naturals)
Director: Mark Mendoza
Agency: Havas Media Ortega
Client: Cocoline Naturals
Runtime: 16 Seconds
Date: 06 / 11 / 15
Director: Mark Mendoza
Agency: Havas Media Ortega
Client: Cocoline Naturals
Runtime: 16 Seconds
Date: 06 / 11 / 15
The Advertisement
The advertisement basically is about a beauty product made from coconut. First, it highlighted the benefits that the target audience might get from using it. Such as, coconut can become an agent that can moisturize, counter bacteria and fungi. It also secured the audience that the product was free from unwanted preservatives that may harm them, emphasizing that the product came from nature itself. After doing so, the name of the product was finally shown, which was Cocaline Naturals.
consider this advertisement as good, because in a span of 16 seconds, the
advertisers have not only persuaded the target audience to use/patronize the
product, but they were also able to educate them about certain significant
things the most people do not know about coconuts. Even I did not. The
beautiful part is that, they did not use “cheap” methods to persuade the
audience, such as flattery and promises, but they just stick with the idea that
the product came specifically from nature. That itself, is enough to instill
confidence to those who intend to use the product.
they were able to make the kick of the product being natural, by adding that it
was actually paraben-free. Meaning, it was free from harmful chemicals. It was
a good move, just to emphasize. Because at this time of our world, most
products are infested with bad substances disguised as an unknown chemical
written at the back of the product.
Lastly, this served as somewhat a reminder for us, that what came from nature is still the best, that we need not be fooled by the beautifully dressed products available all around made from whatever they call and promise it. Also, they were able to strip the ignorance from the audience. Usually, people only know that coconut is healthy, but they do not know how healthy it is. They were able to emphasize that more than being beneficial by using it as a healthy food or drink, or by using it as a material to build, coconut can also serve somewhat as a remedy, for its anti-fungi and anti-bacterial qualities.
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