Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Bear Brand

Title: BIKE
Director: AF Benaza
Agency: Publicis Manila
Client: Nestle Philippines
Run Time: 1 minute

About the Ad:

At the beginning of the ad, a child is seen playing with his peers, biking. In the way he rides his bicycle, it’s safe to say that at that moment he is still no good at it. He wobbles and stops suddenly, preventing an imminent accident. That’s when his mom came to his aid, then the child said that when his dad is already home, he’ll teach him how. His mom quickly responded saying. “If he isn’t tired yet.” It was an upsetting response, yet, hope remained in the child’s eyes. The next scene was about his dad. He was on his way home from his work; he is tired and unfortunately also stuck in heavy traffic. He arrived at their balcony and he saw his child sitting with a disappointed look on his face, yet the child also displayed goodness in character when his dad said to him that they could still play, he responded by saying, “No dad, you’re already tired.” Fortunately, he isn’t yet, because he was drinking bear brand sterilized milk. He was holding it when he arrived home. The sun was already nowhere to be seen. The lights outside opened, and they were able to bond with each other.


I picked this ad, because unlike the others ads, this employed a technique. Specifically, it appealed to the viewers’ emotion. But before that, the ad was able to capture my attention because the cinematography was good, and it was improved by the musical scoring. The sound I was hearing was already appealing to my emotions, plus, the script. It made me want to know what’s next, as if I was watching a short film. It also aroused my interest because of the use of words and the transitions of the clips. It emphasized that the child was waiting and expecting his dad, then comes the transition, his dad stuck in traffic. It was a bit dramatic. In a span of a minute, they were able to tell a story effectively. Third, it unconsciously created a desire in me, since the emotion was already tied to the brand when they showed it. Lastly, it can cause action I mean, who doesn’t want bear brand sterilized milk? They are already an established brand. It can generate more action, since they reminded the viewers once more of their existence.

If you want to watch it, here’s the link to the ad:

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