Title: SUNSHINE (Eden Cheese)
Director: Franco Marinelli
Agency: Ogilvy and Mather Phils.
Client: Mondelez International
Director: Franco Marinelli
Agency: Ogilvy and Mather Phils.
Client: Mondelez International
the Ad:
This ad revolved around the breakfast of a
family. At first, they were portrayed as “weak”, as what most of us are during
mornings. Well, not until the brand, Eden, was introduced. They ate together
their breakfast which was bread and cheese, and went out to start their day
There were two things that captured my
attention here. One, the advertisers used the “testimonial” strategy to capture
the attention of the viewers by getting Team Kramer to advertise their brand.
Their kids are cute, who wouldn’t want to watch it? Second, the musical scoring
also complemented the shots of the ad. It was very stimulating to listen to,
very relaxing you might consider. But what really persuaded me to continue
watching this ad, and also in a way influenced me into buying this product was
that it made me hungry. They really did a good job highlighting the goodness of
the brand by mentioning its health benefits and also using the visuals. Watch
it, you’ll understand me. Lastly, I consider this a good ad because it kind of
communicates that a complete family is good. It promoted oneness in the family
by showing that the Team Kramer had breakfast together. Today, I personally
believe that we need that reminder.
See it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwQ0ghHh0Fg
Thank you!
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