Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Bear Brand

Title: BIKE
Director: AF Benaza
Agency: Publicis Manila
Client: Nestle Philippines
Run Time: 1 minute

About the Ad:

At the beginning of the ad, a child is seen playing with his peers, biking. In the way he rides his bicycle, it’s safe to say that at that moment he is still no good at it. He wobbles and stops suddenly, preventing an imminent accident. That’s when his mom came to his aid, then the child said that when his dad is already home, he’ll teach him how. His mom quickly responded saying. “If he isn’t tired yet.” It was an upsetting response, yet, hope remained in the child’s eyes. The next scene was about his dad. He was on his way home from his work; he is tired and unfortunately also stuck in heavy traffic. He arrived at their balcony and he saw his child sitting with a disappointed look on his face, yet the child also displayed goodness in character when his dad said to him that they could still play, he responded by saying, “No dad, you’re already tired.” Fortunately, he isn’t yet, because he was drinking bear brand sterilized milk. He was holding it when he arrived home. The sun was already nowhere to be seen. The lights outside opened, and they were able to bond with each other.


I picked this ad, because unlike the others ads, this employed a technique. Specifically, it appealed to the viewers’ emotion. But before that, the ad was able to capture my attention because the cinematography was good, and it was improved by the musical scoring. The sound I was hearing was already appealing to my emotions, plus, the script. It made me want to know what’s next, as if I was watching a short film. It also aroused my interest because of the use of words and the transitions of the clips. It emphasized that the child was waiting and expecting his dad, then comes the transition, his dad stuck in traffic. It was a bit dramatic. In a span of a minute, they were able to tell a story effectively. Third, it unconsciously created a desire in me, since the emotion was already tied to the brand when they showed it. Lastly, it can cause action I mean, who doesn’t want bear brand sterilized milk? They are already an established brand. It can generate more action, since they reminded the viewers once more of their existence.

If you want to watch it, here’s the link to the ad:


Title: SUNSHINE (Eden Cheese)
Director: Franco Marinelli

Agency: Ogilvy and Mather Phils.
Client: Mondelez International

About the Ad:

This ad revolved around the breakfast of a family. At first, they were portrayed as “weak”, as what most of us are during mornings. Well, not until the brand, Eden, was introduced. They ate together their breakfast which was bread and cheese, and went out to start their day strengthened.


There were two things that captured my attention here. One, the advertisers used the “testimonial” strategy to capture the attention of the viewers by getting Team Kramer to advertise their brand. Their kids are cute, who wouldn’t want to watch it? Second, the musical scoring also complemented the shots of the ad. It was very stimulating to listen to, very relaxing you might consider. But what really persuaded me to continue watching this ad, and also in a way influenced me into buying this product was that it made me hungry. They really did a good job highlighting the goodness of the brand by mentioning its health benefits and also using the visuals. Watch it, you’ll understand me. Lastly, I consider this a good ad because it kind of communicates that a complete family is good. It promoted oneness in the family by showing that the Team Kramer had breakfast together. Today, I personally believe that we need that reminder.

See it here:

Thank you! 

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Title: HOMECOMING (Avida Land)
Director: Ianco Dela Cruz

Agency: TBWA/Santiago Mangada Puno
Client: Avida Land
Runtime: 1min

About the Ad
This advertisement revolved around different families, hobbies and group of people, that happens at “home”. They showcased how these people’s lives passed through different circumstances that shaped who they are and strengthened the bond that they have with their companions in the place they call home.


This ad was able to capture my attention even if I knew from the beginning what this ad was about. Even so, they were able to go around it and be creative in capturing the sympathy and emotions of the viewers and through it tie the brand with that emotion. This was made possible by showing different scenarios where families were evidently in joy and was bonding with each other. 

Here's the link to the ad:

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Play Time Johnson's

Director: Benny Mallik

Agency: BBDO Guerrero

Client: Johnson & Johnson (Phils.), Inc.

Runtime: 30 Seconds

About the ad:

The ad begins with a soft voice speaking while a child is being displayed possessing a gleeful demeanor in a slow mo. While the child is playing, the narrator emphasizes why “playtime is so much more than fun and games”. She says that by playing, a child’s mind is stimulated and is being awakened. Then comes the introduction of the brand, saying that by using Johnsons, a parent can be at peace while letting their young play outdoors.


To begin with, I chose this ad because in the first few seconds, my attention was already captured. It was made possible by the soft voice of the narrator, being complemented by the slow motion visuals. This reason is too simple, but as I have learned earlier today, capturing the attention of the viewers is the most important part of an advertisement. Without being able to do so, an ad is pointless. Literally, when I viewed the ad, it’s as if I was calmed down, made still. For this reason, this ad can already be considered as a good ad. Consequently, it was able to arouse the interest of the viewers because, who doesn’t like cute smiling babies, right? This may be one of the reasons why the viewers were captivated. In a few, as the advertisers through the narrator speaks of why the customers should buy their product, a desire would be created in them. The message of the ad was interesting enough to do so. Since, maybe some of us haven’t stopped to think that yes, maybe playtime is more than just fun and games for children. We have to let them play. The catch is, there’s a risk, and the advertisers was just in time to take care of that. This reason may cause the viewers to buy their products. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Director: Yam Laranas
Agency: McCann Worldgroup Phils., Inc.
Client: Jollibee Foods Corporation
Run Time: 1:57s
Date: July 22

About the Advertisement:

The advertisement revolved around a child around six to seven years old. At first, he seems to be rejected when he asks his different family members to bond with him, until his mom said that he shouldn’t worry, because tomorrow is a Saturday or a family day. When the day he waited for came, the ad depicted different families enjoying with each one, complete. They were eating, playing around, or in other words, strengthening the bond with each one. It was when the brand was shown, which is Jollibee.


This ad is a good ad. Underneath the ad itself, or the façade or the brand, is a message of vital importance in our culture. The kid loved Saturday, because it was a family day. Personally, I do not think he’ll be glad if he had to eat at Jollibee alone. More than the food nor the place, it was the presence of the people whom he holds dear. This ad speaks of an ideology that appears to be slowly dying in our culture. Today, people are becoming more and more individualistic. I personally don’t see much of families that value a meal time with their own family. We’re good with our friends. Some cases, we always have to do so much work. This is why this ad is a good ad. For the reason that it makes the viewers reflect about the state of their relationship with their own families. It reminds people that the routine must be broken from time to time for our relationships with our families to be rekindled. Technically speaking, the jingle was superb. After watching it, you might be hearing the melody in your head. Before you know it, you’re already singing the “I love you Sabado” song. 

Here's the link to the ad:

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Title: LEARN

Chris Martinez

Agency: BBDO Guererro
Client: Johnson & Johnson (Phils), Inc
Runtime: 1:30
Date: February 20, 2015

About the Advertisement

The advertisement aimed to endorse different types of hygienic products for babies from Johnson, used not only for bath but also for physical comfort, namely, baby soap, powder and lotion. All three particular products were made known as it was used by the person taking care of the baby. Basically, there was a demo of how a baby should be taken care of and the products that were used were from Johnson.


            I personally considered this advertisement to be good because more than it introducing a particular product with the intention of producing sales, it was very educational. For some, the knowledge provided by this advertisement is really basic, but surely, not everyone knows about it, about how properly a baby should be treated during bath and what to do after doing so. Also, when you watch the ad, most probably you will sit through the end of it because the advertisers took advantage of the general idea of the product which is taking care of an infant. The baby was cute, so I guess it was enough to capture the attention of the viewers. Lastly, the ad used a calm song with the lyrics pertaining to the knowledge intended to be imparted to the target audience. All in all, it was entertaining and persuasive. The audience may get the message that soap itself is not enough to make a baby’s skin healthy and comfortable. After all, everyone desires to provide comfort for their young.


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Coco Life

Title: COCONUT (Cocoline Naturals)

Director: Mark Mendoza

Agency: Havas Media Ortega

Client: Cocoline Naturals

Runtime: 16 Seconds

Date: 06 / 11 / 15

The Advertisement

The advertisement basically is about a beauty product made from coconut. First, it highlighted the benefits that the target audience might get from using it. Such as, coconut can become an agent that can moisturize, counter bacteria and fungi. It also secured the audience that the product was free from unwanted preservatives that may harm them, emphasizing that the product came from nature itself. After doing so, the name of the product was finally shown, which was Cocaline Naturals.

I consider this advertisement as good, because in a span of 16 seconds, the advertisers have not only persuaded the target audience to use/patronize the product, but they were also able to educate them about certain significant things the most people do not know about coconuts. Even I did not. The beautiful part is that, they did not use “cheap” methods to persuade the audience, such as flattery and promises, but they just stick with the idea that the product came specifically from nature. That itself, is enough to instill confidence to those who intend to use the product.

Also, they were able to make the kick of the product being natural, by adding that it was actually paraben-free. Meaning, it was free from harmful chemicals. It was a good move, just to emphasize. Because at this time of our world, most products are infested with bad substances disguised as an unknown chemical written at the back of the product.

Lastly, this served as somewhat a reminder for us, that what came from nature is still the best, that we need not be fooled by the beautifully dressed products available all around made from whatever they call and promise it. Also, they were able to strip the ignorance from the audience. Usually, people only know that coconut is healthy, but they do not know how healthy it is. They were able to emphasize that more than being beneficial by using it as a healthy food or drink, or by using it as a material to build, coconut can also serve somewhat as a remedy, for its anti-fungi and anti-bacterial qualities. 

KitKat "Swimming"

Title: “Swimming”
Pancho Esguerra
J. Walter Thompson (JWT) Manila
Nestle Philippines Inc.
Kit Kat
34 seconds
May 24, 2013

About The Advertisement
This Kit Kat commercial depicts an office full of employees working diligently. A moment after, they were alerted that the break has started. It was that particular moment where the brand was introduced and its ideology, which is, taking a break from work is necessary. The idea was communicated artistically, executing different types of communication such as singing through the use of a jingle, as well as dance choreography. At the end of the advertisement, a particular character was shown getting back to work evidently recharged obviously for the reason that she already had a Kit Kat break.

 I personally considered this ad worthy to be deemed good, or better perhaps. To begin with, when you watch this commercial, you probably would sit it through to the end, not even considering to change the channel. Through the use of different artistic strategies, they were able to captivate the audience. After all, the ideology and the information about a certain thing intended to be passed on to would be wasted if one fails to captivate the audience. It certainly is effortless to jump from one channel to another. Therefore, a communicator must capture the attention of the audience first before proceeding. I also like this advertisement because it’s as if there’s more to it than just publicizing the Kit Kat brand. In this fast paced world, considering the upheaval of technology, everyone seem to be cast under the spell of the idea of being busy. Some people forget to stop, to just sit down and breath. In short, have a break in life and reflect. The very message of this advertisement pierces through the covert issues surrounding our lives and world. This is very timely. I believe that in a particular perspective, all must come across the message of this ad.

I also agree on the way they ended this advertisement, with the woman being recharged, ready to take loads of work for the second time after taking a break. Somewhat, this ad conveys that rest is also a determining factor of our performance and joy in life.